Mercs on Mars - Logan's Log 1 - "In Case I Croak"
Audio now available for the first episode of the Mercs on Mars podcast!
LOGAN’S LOG 1: The Last Will and Testament of Knight-Captain
Logan Aeneas Septimus Forest, recorded for his family
Logan’s Log 1:
This is Knight-Captain Logan Aeneas Septimus Forest, and I don’t know why I’m starting this bullshit. I’ve never felt the need to log my personal thoughts before and I… I guess now I’m supposed to justify my actions, for posterity’s sake and all…
No. That ain’t it. It’s just for my kids. Anyways, I…
Blue Sword intel suggests a helluva lot of Slithers and Lurkers and maybe other speesh are gonna be popping up soon near Dirtmouth. And back when Emily said that I would never…
With the Xenos moving fast and the Red Colonial Army1 approaching, I feel the need to record this log, in case… in case I croak.
Johnny, Susannah, if y’all are listening to this, your daddy loved you very much. I mean “Loves”… I…
Johnny, You’ll earn your Silver Spurs2 one day, I’m sure. Just like your daddy, and like your granddaddy and Uncle Lucky... God rest their souls. (Cough)
Ah, Hell, you’re only nine. You can do whatever the hell you want, kid. Be a baseball player like I wanted to be when I was your age, or play the guitar like I was going to before I went out West with your momma and…
(Pause, Lighter Flicked, Takes a Swig)
Johnny, you do whatever the hell you want. Just take care of your momma and your little sister. I know I haven’t seen y’all in a while and I know I was never home long, but I hope you…
(Cigarette sounds, heavy breathing, sighs)
Emily, please, please forgive me. Jesus Christ, please forgive me. I still love you, Em, and I wish you could remember when we were running ops in the PRC3, back when all that mattered was our bed and “Better Dead than Red,” and all that glorious bullshit. I only ever… I, … Hell, Lucky would know what to say, but…
But I find I,
Fuck this. End Log.
Russian Armed Forces on Mars
Medals that adorn boots and pauldrons indicating officer rank for the Texan Army.
The People’s Republic of California